Tourist attractions
254 Tourist attractions personally tested
- 254 Tourist attractions in Poland
- :
- 254 Tourist attractions in Warsaw
172 Restaurants personally tested
- 21 Restaurants in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 12 Restaurants in Dubai
- 9 Restaurants in Abu Dhabi
- 3 Restaurants in Armenia
- :
- 3 Restaurants in Yerevan
- 1 Restaurants in Austria
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Vienna
- 3 Restaurants in Aruba
- :
- 3 Restaurants in Palm Beach
- 1 Restaurants in Belgium
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Brussels
- 2 Restaurants in Belarus
- :
- 2 Restaurants in Minsk
- 2 Restaurants in Switzerland
- :
- 2 Restaurants in Geneva
- 10 Restaurants in Colombia
- :
- 3 Restaurants in Cartagena
- 7 Restaurants in Bogota
- 3 Restaurants in Cyprus
- :
- 3 Restaurants in Nicosia
- 28 Restaurants in Germany
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Mannheim
- 2 Restaurants in Heidelberg
- 3 Restaurants in Frankfurt
- 22 Restaurants in Düsseldorf
- 1 Restaurants in Spain
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Barcelona
- 1 Restaurants in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 Restaurants in London
- 15 Restaurants in Greece
- :
- 4 Restaurants in Rhodes
- 2 Restaurants in Lindos
- 2 Restaurants in Corfu
- 7 Restaurants in Athens
- 4 Restaurants in Indonesia
- :
- 4 Restaurants in Bali
- 6 Restaurants in India
- :
- 6 Restaurants in Goa
- 10 Restaurants in Italy
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Rome
- 9 Restaurants in Milan
- 10 Restaurants in Poland
- :
- 1 Restaurants in Wroclaw
- 9 Restaurants in Warsaw
- 2 Restaurants in Portugal
- :
- 2 Restaurants in Lisbon
- 3 Restaurants in Russian Federation
- :
- 3 Restaurants in Moscow
- 2 Restaurants in Sweden
- :
- 2 Restaurants in Stockholm
- 6 Restaurants in Slovakia
- :
- 6 Restaurants in Bratislava
- 4 Restaurants in Thailand
- :
- 4 Restaurants in Bangkok
- 21 Restaurants in Ukraine
- :
- 4 Restaurants in Odessa
- 17 Restaurants in Kiev
128 affordable personally tested
- 6 affordable in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 4 affordable in Dubai
- 2 affordable in Abu Dhabi
- 3 affordable in Armenia
- :
- 3 affordable in Yerevan
- 3 affordable in Austria
- :
- 3 affordable in Vienna
- 1 affordable in Belgium
- :
- 1 affordable in Brussels
- 2 affordable in Belarus
- :
- 2 affordable in Minsk
- 3 affordable in Switzerland
- :
- 1 affordable in Zurich
- 2 affordable in Geneva
- 9 affordable in Colombia
- :
- 3 affordable in Cartagena
- 6 affordable in Bogota
- 15 affordable in Germany
- :
- 15 affordable in Düsseldorf
- 8 affordable in France
- :
- 2 affordable in Strasbourg
- 2 affordable in Paris
- 4 affordable in Boulogne-Billancourt
- 1 affordable in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 affordable in London
- 16 affordable in Greece
- :
- 6 affordable in Rhodes
- 1 affordable in Lindos
- 3 affordable in Corfu
- 6 affordable in Athens
- 5 affordable in Indonesia
- :
- 5 affordable in Bali
- 3 affordable in India
- :
- 3 affordable in Goa
- 8 affordable in Italy
- :
- 8 affordable in Milan
- 9 affordable in Poland
- :
- 1 affordable in Wroclaw
- 8 affordable in Warsaw
- 2 affordable in Portugal
- :
- 2 affordable in Lisbon
- 2 affordable in Serbia
- :
- 2 affordable in Belgrade
- 2 affordable in Russian Federation
- :
- 2 affordable in Moscow
- 2 affordable in Sweden
- :
- 2 affordable in Stockholm
- 3 affordable in Slovakia
- :
- 3 affordable in Bratislava
- 7 affordable in Thailand
- :
- 7 affordable in Bangkok
- 17 affordable in Ukraine
- :
- 1 affordable in Odessa
- 16 affordable in Kiev
Historical landmarks
127 Historical landmarks personally tested
- 127 Historical landmarks in Poland
- :
- 127 Historical landmarks in Warsaw
117 historical personally tested
- 2 historical in Armenia
- :
- 2 historical in Yerevan
- 10 historical in Austria
- :
- 10 historical in Vienna
- 3 historical in Belgium
- :
- 3 historical in Brussels
- 3 historical in Belarus
- :
- 3 historical in Minsk
- 3 historical in Switzerland
- :
- 1 historical in Zurich
- 2 historical in Geneva
- 14 historical in Colombia
- :
- 9 historical in Cartagena
- 5 historical in Bogota
- 3 historical in Cyprus
- :
- 3 historical in Nicosia
- 11 historical in Germany
- :
- 2 historical in Mannheim
- 7 historical in Heidelberg
- 2 historical in Düsseldorf
- 2 historical in Egypt
- :
- 2 historical in Cairo
- 11 historical in France
- :
- 2 historical in Toulouse
- 6 historical in Strasbourg
- 3 historical in Paris
- 16 historical in Greece
- :
- 5 historical in Rhodes
- 1 historical in Lindos
- 5 historical in Corfu
- 5 historical in Athens
- 3 historical in Hungary
- :
- 3 historical in Szeged
- 1 historical in Indonesia
- :
- 1 historical in Bali
- 1 historical in India
- :
- 1 historical in Goa
- 10 historical in Italy
- :
- 2 historical in Rome
- 8 historical in Milan
- 6 historical in Poland
- :
- 6 historical in Warsaw
- 2 historical in Portugal
- :
- 2 historical in Lisbon
- 3 historical in Serbia
- :
- 3 historical in Belgrade
- 3 historical in Russian Federation
- :
- 3 historical in Moscow
- 2 historical in Sweden
- :
- 2 historical in Stockholm
- 4 historical in Slovakia
- :
- 4 historical in Bratislava
- 4 historical in Ukraine
- :
- 4 historical in Kiev
93 Parks personally tested
- 93 Parks in Poland
- :
- 93 Parks in Warsaw
92 hotels personally tested
- 9 hotels in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 7 hotels in Dubai
- 2 hotels in Abu Dhabi
- 2 hotels in Armenia
- :
- 2 hotels in Yerevan
- 4 hotels in Austria
- :
- 4 hotels in Vienna
- 1 hotels in Aruba
- :
- 1 hotels in Palm Beach
- 2 hotels in Belgium
- :
- 2 hotels in Brussels
- 5 hotels in Switzerland
- :
- 3 hotels in Zurich
- 2 hotels in Geneva
- 2 hotels in Colombia
- :
- 1 hotels in Cartagena
- 1 hotels in Bogota
- 2 hotels in Cyprus
- :
- 2 hotels in Nicosia
- 13 hotels in Germany
- :
- 1 hotels in Heidelberg
- 2 hotels in Frankfurt
- 10 hotels in Düsseldorf
- 2 hotels in Egypt
- :
- 2 hotels in Cairo
- 1 hotels in Spain
- :
- 1 hotels in Barcelona
- 4 hotels in France
- :
- 2 hotels in Paris
- 2 hotels in Boulogne-Billancourt
- 2 hotels in United Kingdom
- :
- 2 hotels in Saint Albans
- 6 hotels in Greece
- :
- 2 hotels in Rhodes
- 1 hotels in Corfu
- 3 hotels in Athens
- 1 hotels in Hungary
- :
- 1 hotels in Szeged
- 2 hotels in Indonesia
- :
- 2 hotels in Bali
- 4 hotels in India
- :
- 4 hotels in Goa
- 5 hotels in Italy
- :
- 1 hotels in Rome
- 4 hotels in Milan
- 7 hotels in Poland
- :
- 1 hotels in Wroclaw
- 6 hotels in Warsaw
- 1 hotels in Portugal
- :
- 1 hotels in Lisbon
- 1 hotels in Serbia
- :
- 1 hotels in Belgrade
- 2 hotels in Russian Federation
- :
- 2 hotels in Moscow
- 3 hotels in Sweden
- :
- 3 hotels in Stockholm
- 2 hotels in Slovakia
- :
- 2 hotels in Bratislava
- 3 hotels in Thailand
- :
- 3 hotels in Bangkok
- 6 hotels in Ukraine
- :
- 2 hotels in Odessa
- 4 hotels in Kiev
Points of view
92 points of view personally tested
- 10 points of view in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 10 points of view in Dubai
- 1 points of view in Armenia
- :
- 1 points of view in Yerevan
- 2 points of view in Austria
- :
- 2 points of view in Vienna
- 2 points of view in Aruba
- :
- 2 points of view in Palm Beach
- 1 points of view in Belgium
- :
- 1 points of view in Brussels
- 3 points of view in Belarus
- :
- 3 points of view in Minsk
- 3 points of view in Switzerland
- :
- 3 points of view in Geneva
- 9 points of view in Colombia
- :
- 4 points of view in Cartagena
- 5 points of view in Bogota
- 10 points of view in Germany
- :
- 1 points of view in Mannheim
- 3 points of view in Heidelberg
- 1 points of view in Frankfurt
- 5 points of view in Düsseldorf
- 1 points of view in Egypt
- :
- 1 points of view in Cairo
- 1 points of view in Spain
- :
- 1 points of view in Barcelona
- 4 points of view in France
- :
- 1 points of view in Strasbourg
- 3 points of view in Paris
- 21 points of view in Greece
- :
- 6 points of view in Rhodes
- 8 points of view in Lindos
- 3 points of view in Corfu
- 4 points of view in Athens
- 1 points of view in Hungary
- :
- 1 points of view in Szeged
- 2 points of view in Indonesia
- :
- 2 points of view in Bali
- 4 points of view in Italy
- :
- 4 points of view in Milan
- 2 points of view in Poland
- :
- 2 points of view in Warsaw
- 3 points of view in Portugal
- :
- 3 points of view in Lisbon
- 2 points of view in Serbia
- :
- 2 points of view in Belgrade
- 2 points of view in Russian Federation
- :
- 2 points of view in Moscow
- 2 points of view in Sweden
- :
- 2 points of view in Stockholm
- 1 points of view in Slovakia
- :
- 1 points of view in Bratislava
- 5 points of view in Ukraine
- :
- 3 points of view in Odessa
- 2 points of view in Kiev
86 fun personally tested
- 10 fun in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 7 fun in Dubai
- 3 fun in Abu Dhabi
- 1 fun in Armenia
- :
- 1 fun in Yerevan
- 2 fun in Austria
- :
- 2 fun in Vienna
- 2 fun in Aruba
- :
- 2 fun in Palm Beach
- 6 fun in Belarus
- :
- 6 fun in Minsk
- 6 fun in Switzerland
- :
- 1 fun in Zurich
- 5 fun in Geneva
- 3 fun in Colombia
- :
- 3 fun in Bogota
- 2 fun in Germany
- :
- 2 fun in Düsseldorf
- 1 fun in Egypt
- :
- 1 fun in Cairo
- 2 fun in Spain
- :
- 2 fun in Barcelona
- 5 fun in France
- :
- 2 fun in Toulouse
- 3 fun in Strasbourg
- 1 fun in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 fun in London
- 5 fun in Greece
- :
- 2 fun in Rhodes
- 1 fun in Lindos
- 2 fun in Athens
- 2 fun in Indonesia
- :
- 2 fun in Bali
- 1 fun in India
- :
- 1 fun in Goa
- 1 fun in Italy
- :
- 1 fun in Milan
- 6 fun in Poland
- :
- 6 fun in Warsaw
- 2 fun in Portugal
- :
- 2 fun in Lisbon
- 1 fun in Serbia
- :
- 1 fun in Belgrade
- 6 fun in Slovakia
- :
- 6 fun in Bratislava
- 8 fun in Thailand
- :
- 8 fun in Bangkok
- 13 fun in Ukraine
- :
- 3 fun in Odessa
- 10 fun in Kiev
82 terraces personally tested
- 14 terraces in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 6 terraces in Dubai
- 8 terraces in Abu Dhabi
- 1 terraces in Armenia
- :
- 1 terraces in Yerevan
- 2 terraces in Aruba
- :
- 2 terraces in Palm Beach
- 3 terraces in Belgium
- :
- 3 terraces in Brussels
- 2 terraces in Switzerland
- :
- 2 terraces in Geneva
- 3 terraces in Colombia
- :
- 3 terraces in Cartagena
- 3 terraces in Cyprus
- :
- 3 terraces in Nicosia
- 7 terraces in Germany
- :
- 7 terraces in Düsseldorf
- 1 terraces in Spain
- :
- 1 terraces in Barcelona
- 2 terraces in France
- :
- 2 terraces in Paris
- 17 terraces in Greece
- :
- 6 terraces in Rhodes
- 7 terraces in Lindos
- 2 terraces in Corfu
- 2 terraces in Athens
- 1 terraces in Indonesia
- :
- 1 terraces in Bali
- 3 terraces in India
- :
- 3 terraces in Goa
- 6 terraces in Italy
- :
- 6 terraces in Milan
- 4 terraces in Poland
- :
- 1 terraces in Wroclaw
- 3 terraces in Warsaw
- 2 terraces in Serbia
- :
- 2 terraces in Belgrade
- 1 terraces in Sweden
- :
- 1 terraces in Stockholm
- 1 terraces in Thailand
- :
- 1 terraces in Bangkok
- 9 terraces in Ukraine
- :
- 3 terraces in Odessa
- 6 terraces in Kiev
Traditional food
75 traditional food personally tested
- 4 traditional food in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 traditional food in Dubai
- 1 traditional food in Abu Dhabi
- 2 traditional food in Armenia
- :
- 2 traditional food in Yerevan
- 2 traditional food in Austria
- :
- 2 traditional food in Vienna
- 1 traditional food in Aruba
- :
- 1 traditional food in Palm Beach
- 2 traditional food in Belgium
- :
- 2 traditional food in Brussels
- 2 traditional food in Belarus
- :
- 2 traditional food in Minsk
- 1 traditional food in Switzerland
- :
- 1 traditional food in Geneva
- 12 traditional food in Colombia
- :
- 4 traditional food in Cartagena
- 8 traditional food in Bogota
- 1 traditional food in Cyprus
- :
- 1 traditional food in Nicosia
- 5 traditional food in Germany
- :
- 1 traditional food in Heidelberg
- 4 traditional food in Düsseldorf
- 6 traditional food in France
- :
- 3 traditional food in Strasbourg
- 2 traditional food in Paris
- 1 traditional food in Boulogne-Billancourt
- 12 traditional food in Greece
- :
- 5 traditional food in Rhodes
- 1 traditional food in Lindos
- 2 traditional food in Corfu
- 4 traditional food in Athens
- 1 traditional food in Indonesia
- :
- 1 traditional food in Bali
- 2 traditional food in India
- :
- 2 traditional food in Goa
- 5 traditional food in Italy
- :
- 5 traditional food in Milan
- 2 traditional food in Poland
- :
- 2 traditional food in Warsaw
- 1 traditional food in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 traditional food in Moscow
- 4 traditional food in Slovakia
- :
- 4 traditional food in Bratislava
- 4 traditional food in Thailand
- :
- 4 traditional food in Bangkok
- 6 traditional food in Ukraine
- :
- 6 traditional food in Kiev
75 upscale personally tested
- 13 upscale in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 7 upscale in Dubai
- 6 upscale in Abu Dhabi
- 1 upscale in Aruba
- :
- 1 upscale in Palm Beach
- 2 upscale in Belgium
- :
- 2 upscale in Brussels
- 2 upscale in Belarus
- :
- 2 upscale in Minsk
- 5 upscale in Switzerland
- :
- 5 upscale in Geneva
- 2 upscale in Colombia
- :
- 1 upscale in Cartagena
- 1 upscale in Bogota
- 2 upscale in Cyprus
- :
- 2 upscale in Nicosia
- 3 upscale in Germany
- :
- 3 upscale in Düsseldorf
- 1 upscale in Egypt
- :
- 1 upscale in Cairo
- 1 upscale in Spain
- :
- 1 upscale in Barcelona
- 3 upscale in France
- :
- 3 upscale in Strasbourg
- 2 upscale in Greece
- :
- 2 upscale in Athens
- 6 upscale in Italy
- :
- 6 upscale in Milan
- 5 upscale in Poland
- :
- 1 upscale in Wroclaw
- 4 upscale in Warsaw
- 3 upscale in Portugal
- :
- 3 upscale in Lisbon
- 1 upscale in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 upscale in Moscow
- 2 upscale in Sweden
- :
- 2 upscale in Stockholm
- 3 upscale in Thailand
- :
- 3 upscale in Bangkok
- 18 upscale in Ukraine
- :
- 5 upscale in Odessa
- 13 upscale in Kiev
74 Museums personally tested
- 74 Museums in Poland
- :
- 74 Museums in Warsaw
City trips
72 city trips personally tested
- 1 city trips in Andorra
- :
- 1 city trips in Andorra
- 4 city trips in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 city trips in Dubai
- 1 city trips in Abu Dhabi
- 1 city trips in Armenia
- :
- 1 city trips in Yerevan
- 1 city trips in Austria
- :
- 1 city trips in Vienna
- 2 city trips in Belgium
- :
- 2 city trips in Brussels
- 6 city trips in Belarus
- :
- 6 city trips in Minsk
- 4 city trips in Switzerland
- :
- 1 city trips in Zurich
- 3 city trips in Geneva
- 2 city trips in Colombia
- :
- 1 city trips in Cartagena
- 1 city trips in Bogota
- 2 city trips in Cyprus
- :
- 2 city trips in Nicosia
- 12 city trips in Germany
- :
- 1 city trips in Mannheim
- 1 city trips in Heidelberg
- 3 city trips in Frankfurt
- 7 city trips in Düsseldorf
- 1 city trips in Egypt
- :
- 1 city trips in Cairo
- 2 city trips in Spain
- :
- 2 city trips in Barcelona
- 1 city trips in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 city trips in Saint Albans
- 9 city trips in Greece
- :
- 3 city trips in Lindos
- 2 city trips in Corfu
- 4 city trips in Athens
- 1 city trips in Hungary
- :
- 1 city trips in Szeged
- 1 city trips in India
- :
- 1 city trips in Goa
- 4 city trips in Italy
- :
- 1 city trips in Rome
- 3 city trips in Milan
- 3 city trips in Poland
- :
- 1 city trips in Wroclaw
- 2 city trips in Warsaw
- 1 city trips in Portugal
- :
- 1 city trips in Lisbon
- 2 city trips in Serbia
- :
- 2 city trips in Belgrade
- 1 city trips in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 city trips in Moscow
- 1 city trips in Sweden
- :
- 1 city trips in Stockholm
- 1 city trips in Slovakia
- :
- 1 city trips in Bratislava
- 2 city trips in Thailand
- :
- 2 city trips in Bangkok
- 1 city trips in Ukraine
- :
- 1 city trips in Kiev
70 romantic personally tested
- 3 romantic in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 romantic in Dubai
- 3 romantic in Austria
- :
- 3 romantic in Vienna
- 1 romantic in Aruba
- :
- 1 romantic in Palm Beach
- 1 romantic in Belgium
- :
- 1 romantic in Brussels
- 1 romantic in Belarus
- :
- 1 romantic in Minsk
- 4 romantic in Switzerland
- :
- 1 romantic in Zurich
- 3 romantic in Geneva
- 7 romantic in Colombia
- :
- 6 romantic in Cartagena
- 1 romantic in Bogota
- 5 romantic in Germany
- :
- 3 romantic in Heidelberg
- 2 romantic in Düsseldorf
- 2 romantic in Spain
- :
- 2 romantic in Barcelona
- 6 romantic in France
- :
- 3 romantic in Strasbourg
- 3 romantic in Paris
- 10 romantic in Greece
- :
- 5 romantic in Rhodes
- 2 romantic in Lindos
- 3 romantic in Athens
- 1 romantic in Indonesia
- :
- 1 romantic in Bali
- 7 romantic in Italy
- :
- 1 romantic in Rome
- 6 romantic in Milan
- 2 romantic in Poland
- :
- 2 romantic in Warsaw
- 1 romantic in Portugal
- :
- 1 romantic in Lisbon
- 3 romantic in Serbia
- :
- 3 romantic in Belgrade
- 3 romantic in Russian Federation
- :
- 3 romantic in Moscow
- 1 romantic in Sweden
- :
- 1 romantic in Stockholm
- 1 romantic in Slovakia
- :
- 1 romantic in Bratislava
- 8 romantic in Ukraine
- :
- 1 romantic in Odessa
- 7 romantic in Kiev
Old towns
69 old towns personally tested
- 2 old towns in Armenia
- :
- 2 old towns in Yerevan
- 3 old towns in Austria
- :
- 3 old towns in Vienna
- 2 old towns in Belgium
- :
- 2 old towns in Brussels
- 1 old towns in Switzerland
- :
- 1 old towns in Zurich
- 7 old towns in Colombia
- :
- 5 old towns in Cartagena
- 2 old towns in Bogota
- 8 old towns in Germany
- :
- 5 old towns in Heidelberg
- 3 old towns in Düsseldorf
- 7 old towns in France
- :
- 6 old towns in Strasbourg
- 1 old towns in Paris
- 13 old towns in Greece
- :
- 1 old towns in Rhodes
- 3 old towns in Lindos
- 5 old towns in Corfu
- 4 old towns in Athens
- 1 old towns in Hungary
- :
- 1 old towns in Szeged
- 7 old towns in Italy
- :
- 2 old towns in Rome
- 5 old towns in Milan
- 3 old towns in Poland
- :
- 2 old towns in Wroclaw
- 1 old towns in Warsaw
- 3 old towns in Portugal
- :
- 3 old towns in Lisbon
- 2 old towns in Serbia
- :
- 2 old towns in Belgrade
- 2 old towns in Russian Federation
- :
- 2 old towns in Moscow
- 2 old towns in Sweden
- :
- 2 old towns in Stockholm
- 3 old towns in Slovakia
- :
- 3 old towns in Bratislava
- 1 old towns in Thailand
- :
- 1 old towns in Bangkok
- 2 old towns in Ukraine
- :
- 2 old towns in Kiev
Outdoor pools
55 outdoor pools personally tested
- 13 outdoor pools in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 10 outdoor pools in Dubai
- 3 outdoor pools in Abu Dhabi
- 2 outdoor pools in Armenia
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Yerevan
- 1 outdoor pools in Aruba
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Palm Beach
- 3 outdoor pools in Switzerland
- :
- 3 outdoor pools in Geneva
- 2 outdoor pools in Colombia
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Cartagena
- 1 outdoor pools in Bogota
- 2 outdoor pools in Cyprus
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Nicosia
- 2 outdoor pools in Germany
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Düsseldorf
- 2 outdoor pools in Egypt
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Cairo
- 2 outdoor pools in Spain
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Barcelona
- 4 outdoor pools in Greece
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Rhodes
- 2 outdoor pools in Athens
- 2 outdoor pools in Indonesia
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Bali
- 2 outdoor pools in India
- :
- 2 outdoor pools in Goa
- 2 outdoor pools in Italy
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Rome
- 1 outdoor pools in Milan
- 1 outdoor pools in Poland
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Warsaw
- 1 outdoor pools in Portugal
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Lisbon
- 1 outdoor pools in Serbia
- :
- 1 outdoor pools in Belgrade
- 3 outdoor pools in Thailand
- :
- 3 outdoor pools in Bangkok
- 10 outdoor pools in Ukraine
- :
- 4 outdoor pools in Odessa
- 6 outdoor pools in Kiev
55 Bridges personally tested
- 55 Bridges in Poland
- :
- 55 Bridges in Warsaw
54 beaches personally tested
- 12 beaches in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 10 beaches in Dubai
- 2 beaches in Abu Dhabi
- 5 beaches in Aruba
- :
- 5 beaches in Palm Beach
- 3 beaches in Switzerland
- :
- 3 beaches in Geneva
- 5 beaches in Colombia
- :
- 5 beaches in Cartagena
- 2 beaches in Spain
- :
- 2 beaches in Barcelona
- 8 beaches in Greece
- :
- 5 beaches in Rhodes
- 2 beaches in Lindos
- 1 beaches in Corfu
- 3 beaches in Indonesia
- :
- 3 beaches in Bali
- 6 beaches in India
- :
- 6 beaches in Goa
- 5 beaches in Poland
- :
- 5 beaches in Warsaw
- 5 beaches in Ukraine
- :
- 3 beaches in Odessa
- 2 beaches in Kiev
Swimming pools
52 swimming pools personally tested
- 9 swimming pools in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 7 swimming pools in Dubai
- 2 swimming pools in Abu Dhabi
- 2 swimming pools in Armenia
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Yerevan
- 1 swimming pools in Austria
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Vienna
- 3 swimming pools in Switzerland
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Zurich
- 2 swimming pools in Geneva
- 2 swimming pools in Colombia
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Cartagena
- 1 swimming pools in Bogota
- 2 swimming pools in Cyprus
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Nicosia
- 6 swimming pools in Germany
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Heidelberg
- 1 swimming pools in Frankfurt
- 4 swimming pools in Düsseldorf
- 2 swimming pools in Egypt
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Cairo
- 1 swimming pools in Spain
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Barcelona
- 1 swimming pools in France
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Paris
- 2 swimming pools in United Kingdom
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Saint Albans
- 4 swimming pools in Greece
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Rhodes
- 3 swimming pools in Athens
- 2 swimming pools in Indonesia
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Bali
- 1 swimming pools in India
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Goa
- 3 swimming pools in Italy
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Rome
- 2 swimming pools in Milan
- 5 swimming pools in Poland
- :
- 5 swimming pools in Warsaw
- 1 swimming pools in Slovakia
- :
- 1 swimming pools in Bratislava
- 2 swimming pools in Thailand
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Bangkok
- 3 swimming pools in Ukraine
- :
- 2 swimming pools in Odessa
- 1 swimming pools in Kiev
51 parties personally tested
- 6 parties in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 5 parties in Dubai
- 1 parties in Abu Dhabi
- 2 parties in Aruba
- :
- 2 parties in Palm Beach
- 2 parties in Belarus
- :
- 2 parties in Minsk
- 4 parties in Switzerland
- :
- 4 parties in Geneva
- 1 parties in Germany
- :
- 1 parties in Düsseldorf
- 2 parties in Spain
- :
- 2 parties in Barcelona
- 5 parties in France
- :
- 2 parties in Toulouse
- 2 parties in Strasbourg
- 1 parties in Paris
- 1 parties in Greece
- :
- 1 parties in Athens
- 2 parties in India
- :
- 2 parties in Goa
- 6 parties in Poland
- :
- 1 parties in Wroclaw
- 5 parties in Warsaw
- 2 parties in Portugal
- :
- 2 parties in Lisbon
- 1 parties in Serbia
- :
- 1 parties in Belgrade
- 4 parties in Slovakia
- :
- 4 parties in Bratislava
- 4 parties in Thailand
- :
- 4 parties in Bangkok
- 9 parties in Ukraine
- :
- 4 parties in Odessa
- 5 parties in Kiev
Catholic churchs
48 Catholic churchs personally tested
- 48 Catholic churchs in Poland
- :
- 48 Catholic churchs in Warsaw
46 holidays personally tested
- 1 holidays in Andorra
- :
- 1 holidays in Andorra
- 10 holidays in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 4 holidays in Dubai
- 6 holidays in Abu Dhabi
- 3 holidays in Armenia
- :
- 3 holidays in Yerevan
- 2 holidays in Aruba
- :
- 2 holidays in Palm Beach
- 3 holidays in Colombia
- :
- 3 holidays in Cartagena
- 1 holidays in Egypt
- :
- 1 holidays in Cairo
- 2 holidays in Spain
- :
- 2 holidays in Barcelona
- 1 holidays in France
- :
- 1 holidays in Strasbourg
- 9 holidays in Greece
- :
- 3 holidays in Rhodes
- 3 holidays in Lindos
- 1 holidays in Corfu
- 2 holidays in Athens
- 3 holidays in Indonesia
- :
- 3 holidays in Bali
- 1 holidays in India
- :
- 1 holidays in Goa
- 1 holidays in Thailand
- :
- 1 holidays in Bangkok
- 9 holidays in Ukraine
- :
- 5 holidays in Odessa
- 4 holidays in Kiev
Night clubs
41 night clubs personally tested
- 6 night clubs in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 5 night clubs in Dubai
- 1 night clubs in Abu Dhabi
- 3 night clubs in Belarus
- :
- 3 night clubs in Minsk
- 2 night clubs in Switzerland
- :
- 2 night clubs in Geneva
- 1 night clubs in Colombia
- :
- 1 night clubs in Bogota
- 1 night clubs in Germany
- :
- 1 night clubs in Düsseldorf
- 2 night clubs in Spain
- :
- 2 night clubs in Barcelona
- 4 night clubs in France
- :
- 1 night clubs in Toulouse
- 2 night clubs in Strasbourg
- 1 night clubs in Paris
- 3 night clubs in Greece
- :
- 2 night clubs in Lindos
- 1 night clubs in Athens
- 1 night clubs in India
- :
- 1 night clubs in Goa
- 3 night clubs in Poland
- :
- 3 night clubs in Warsaw
- 1 night clubs in Portugal
- :
- 1 night clubs in Lisbon
- 1 night clubs in Serbia
- :
- 1 night clubs in Belgrade
- 2 night clubs in Slovakia
- :
- 2 night clubs in Bratislava
- 3 night clubs in Thailand
- :
- 3 night clubs in Bangkok
- 8 night clubs in Ukraine
- :
- 3 night clubs in Odessa
- 5 night clubs in Kiev
38 bars personally tested
- 5 bars in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 5 bars in Dubai
- 3 bars in Aruba
- :
- 3 bars in Palm Beach
- 2 bars in Colombia
- :
- 2 bars in Cartagena
- 1 bars in Germany
- :
- 1 bars in Mannheim
- 3 bars in France
- :
- 1 bars in Toulouse
- 2 bars in Paris
- 2 bars in Greece
- :
- 1 bars in Rhodes
- 1 bars in Lindos
- 4 bars in India
- :
- 4 bars in Goa
- 5 bars in Italy
- :
- 5 bars in Milan
- 4 bars in Poland
- :
- 4 bars in Warsaw
- 9 bars in Thailand
- :
- 9 bars in Bangkok
36 burgers personally tested
- 7 burgers in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 4 burgers in Dubai
- 3 burgers in Abu Dhabi
- 1 burgers in Aruba
- :
- 1 burgers in Palm Beach
- 1 burgers in Switzerland
- :
- 1 burgers in Geneva
- 3 burgers in Colombia
- :
- 1 burgers in Cartagena
- 2 burgers in Bogota
- 1 burgers in Cyprus
- :
- 1 burgers in Nicosia
- 8 burgers in Germany
- :
- 1 burgers in Frankfurt
- 7 burgers in Düsseldorf
- 1 burgers in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 burgers in London
- 1 burgers in Greece
- :
- 1 burgers in Athens
- 1 burgers in Indonesia
- :
- 1 burgers in Bali
- 1 burgers in Italy
- :
- 1 burgers in Milan
- 2 burgers in Poland
- :
- 2 burgers in Warsaw
- 1 burgers in Portugal
- :
- 1 burgers in Lisbon
- 1 burgers in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 burgers in Moscow
- 1 burgers in Sweden
- :
- 1 burgers in Stockholm
- 1 burgers in Slovakia
- :
- 1 burgers in Bratislava
- 4 burgers in Ukraine
- :
- 4 burgers in Kiev
34 rooftops personally tested
- 5 rooftops in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 5 rooftops in Dubai
- 1 rooftops in Austria
- :
- 1 rooftops in Vienna
- 1 rooftops in Switzerland
- :
- 1 rooftops in Geneva
- 3 rooftops in Colombia
- :
- 3 rooftops in Cartagena
- 1 rooftops in Germany
- :
- 1 rooftops in Mannheim
- 1 rooftops in Spain
- :
- 1 rooftops in Barcelona
- 1 rooftops in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 rooftops in London
- 7 rooftops in Greece
- :
- 4 rooftops in Lindos
- 3 rooftops in Athens
- 1 rooftops in Indonesia
- :
- 1 rooftops in Bali
- 1 rooftops in India
- :
- 1 rooftops in Goa
- 4 rooftops in Italy
- :
- 1 rooftops in Rome
- 3 rooftops in Milan
- 1 rooftops in Poland
- :
- 1 rooftops in Warsaw
- 1 rooftops in Portugal
- :
- 1 rooftops in Lisbon
- 3 rooftops in Thailand
- :
- 3 rooftops in Bangkok
- 3 rooftops in Ukraine
- :
- 1 rooftops in Odessa
- 2 rooftops in Kiev
34 Churchs personally tested
- 34 Churchs in Poland
- :
- 34 Churchs in Warsaw
30 castles personally tested
- 1 castles in Armenia
- :
- 1 castles in Yerevan
- 1 castles in Belarus
- :
- 1 castles in Minsk
- 1 castles in Switzerland
- :
- 1 castles in Geneva
- 1 castles in Germany
- :
- 1 castles in Heidelberg
- 1 castles in France
- :
- 1 castles in Strasbourg
- 8 castles in Greece
- :
- 2 castles in Rhodes
- 2 castles in Lindos
- 4 castles in Corfu
- 3 castles in Italy
- :
- 1 castles in Rome
- 2 castles in Milan
- 11 castles in Poland
- :
- 11 castles in Warsaw
- 1 castles in Portugal
- :
- 1 castles in Lisbon
- 1 castles in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 castles in Moscow
- 1 castles in Slovakia
- :
- 1 castles in Bratislava
30 personally tested
- 1 in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 1 in Dubai
- 1 in Armenia
- :
- 1 in Yerevan
- 1 in Austria
- :
- 1 in Vienna
- 1 in Belgium
- :
- 1 in Brussels
- 1 in Belarus
- :
- 1 in Minsk
- 4 in Colombia
- :
- 4 in Bogota
- 3 in Germany
- :
- 1 in Heidelberg
- 1 in Frankfurt
- 1 in Düsseldorf
- 1 in Egypt
- :
- 1 in Cairo
- 3 in France
- :
- 1 in Toulouse
- 1 in Strasbourg
- 1 in Paris
- 1 in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 in London
- 1 in Greece
- :
- 1 in Corfu
- 2 in Italy
- :
- 1 in Rome
- 1 in Milan
- 2 in Poland
- :
- 1 in Wroclaw
- 1 in Warsaw
- 1 in Portugal
- :
- 1 in Lisbon
- 1 in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 in Moscow
- 1 in Sweden
- :
- 1 in Stockholm
- 1 in Slovakia
- :
- 1 in Bratislava
- 2 in Thailand
- :
- 1 in Phuket
- 1 in Pattaya
- 2 in Ukraine
- :
- 1 in Odessa
- 1 in Kiev
28 shopping personally tested
- 1 shopping in Andorra
- :
- 1 shopping in Andorra
- 4 shopping in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 shopping in Dubai
- 1 shopping in Abu Dhabi
- 2 shopping in Austria
- :
- 2 shopping in Vienna
- 1 shopping in Aruba
- :
- 1 shopping in Palm Beach
- 1 shopping in Switzerland
- :
- 1 shopping in Geneva
- 1 shopping in Colombia
- :
- 1 shopping in Bogota
- 1 shopping in Germany
- :
- 1 shopping in Heidelberg
- 4 shopping in Greece
- :
- 1 shopping in Corfu
- 3 shopping in Athens
- 2 shopping in India
- :
- 2 shopping in Goa
- 3 shopping in Italy
- :
- 3 shopping in Milan
- 3 shopping in Poland
- :
- 3 shopping in Warsaw
- 1 shopping in Russian Federation
- :
- 1 shopping in Moscow
- 1 shopping in Slovakia
- :
- 1 shopping in Bratislava
- 2 shopping in Thailand
- :
- 2 shopping in Bangkok
- 1 shopping in Ukraine
- :
- 1 shopping in Kiev
28 Monasterys personally tested
- 28 Monasterys in Poland
- :
- 28 Monasterys in Warsaw
26 pizzas personally tested
- 7 pizzas in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 pizzas in Dubai
- 4 pizzas in Abu Dhabi
- 1 pizzas in Colombia
- :
- 1 pizzas in Cartagena
- 6 pizzas in Germany
- :
- 6 pizzas in Düsseldorf
- 1 pizzas in France
- :
- 1 pizzas in Strasbourg
- 1 pizzas in India
- :
- 1 pizzas in Goa
- 5 pizzas in Italy
- :
- 5 pizzas in Milan
- 1 pizzas in Poland
- :
- 1 pizzas in Warsaw
- 4 pizzas in Ukraine
- :
- 4 pizzas in Kiev
Beach clubs
24 beach clubs personally tested
- 7 beach clubs in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 6 beach clubs in Dubai
- 1 beach clubs in Abu Dhabi
- 2 beach clubs in Aruba
- :
- 2 beach clubs in Palm Beach
- 1 beach clubs in Switzerland
- :
- 1 beach clubs in Geneva
- 1 beach clubs in Spain
- :
- 1 beach clubs in Barcelona
- 1 beach clubs in Greece
- :
- 1 beach clubs in Rhodes
- 2 beach clubs in India
- :
- 2 beach clubs in Goa
- 1 beach clubs in Serbia
- :
- 1 beach clubs in Belgrade
- 9 beach clubs in Ukraine
- :
- 3 beach clubs in Odessa
- 6 beach clubs in Kiev
24 entertainment personally tested
- 1 entertainment in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 1 entertainment in Dubai
- 2 entertainment in Aruba
- :
- 2 entertainment in Palm Beach
- 1 entertainment in Belarus
- :
- 1 entertainment in Minsk
- 1 entertainment in Switzerland
- :
- 1 entertainment in Geneva
- 3 entertainment in Colombia
- :
- 3 entertainment in Bogota
- 1 entertainment in France
- :
- 1 entertainment in Toulouse
- 4 entertainment in Greece
- :
- 2 entertainment in Rhodes
- 1 entertainment in Lindos
- 1 entertainment in Athens
- 2 entertainment in Indonesia
- :
- 2 entertainment in Bali
- 2 entertainment in India
- :
- 2 entertainment in Goa
- 2 entertainment in Poland
- :
- 2 entertainment in Warsaw
- 1 entertainment in Portugal
- :
- 1 entertainment in Lisbon
- 3 entertainment in Ukraine
- :
- 3 entertainment in Kiev
24 shows personally tested
- 5 shows in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 4 shows in Dubai
- 1 shows in Abu Dhabi
- 2 shows in Austria
- :
- 2 shows in Vienna
- 4 shows in Belarus
- :
- 4 shows in Minsk
- 2 shows in Switzerland
- :
- 1 shows in Zurich
- 1 shows in Geneva
- 1 shows in Egypt
- :
- 1 shows in Cairo
- 2 shows in France
- :
- 2 shows in Strasbourg
- 1 shows in Indonesia
- :
- 1 shows in Bali
- 1 shows in Poland
- :
- 1 shows in Warsaw
- 1 shows in Portugal
- :
- 1 shows in Lisbon
- 2 shows in Slovakia
- :
- 2 shows in Bratislava
- 3 shows in Ukraine
- :
- 1 shows in Odessa
- 2 shows in Kiev
Indoor pools
20 indoor pools personally tested
- 1 indoor pools in Armenia
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Yerevan
- 1 indoor pools in Austria
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Vienna
- 2 indoor pools in Switzerland
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Zurich
- 1 indoor pools in Geneva
- 1 indoor pools in Colombia
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Bogota
- 5 indoor pools in Germany
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Heidelberg
- 1 indoor pools in Frankfurt
- 3 indoor pools in Düsseldorf
- 1 indoor pools in France
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Paris
- 2 indoor pools in United Kingdom
- :
- 2 indoor pools in Saint Albans
- 1 indoor pools in Greece
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Athens
- 1 indoor pools in Italy
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Milan
- 3 indoor pools in Poland
- :
- 3 indoor pools in Warsaw
- 1 indoor pools in Slovakia
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Bratislava
- 1 indoor pools in Ukraine
- :
- 1 indoor pools in Kiev
Exceptional hotels
20 exceptional hotels personally tested
- 3 exceptional hotels in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 2 exceptional hotels in Dubai
- 1 exceptional hotels in Abu Dhabi
- 2 exceptional hotels in Armenia
- :
- 2 exceptional hotels in Yerevan
- 4 exceptional hotels in Switzerland
- :
- 2 exceptional hotels in Zurich
- 2 exceptional hotels in Geneva
- 2 exceptional hotels in Colombia
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Cartagena
- 1 exceptional hotels in Bogota
- 1 exceptional hotels in Cyprus
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Nicosia
- 1 exceptional hotels in Spain
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Barcelona
- 1 exceptional hotels in Greece
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Athens
- 1 exceptional hotels in Indonesia
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Bali
- 1 exceptional hotels in Italy
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Rome
- 1 exceptional hotels in Poland
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Warsaw
- 1 exceptional hotels in Thailand
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Bangkok
- 2 exceptional hotels in Ukraine
- :
- 1 exceptional hotels in Odessa
- 1 exceptional hotels in Kiev
17 sunsets personally tested
- 4 sunsets in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 4 sunsets in Dubai
- 2 sunsets in Aruba
- :
- 2 sunsets in Palm Beach
- 1 sunsets in Switzerland
- :
- 1 sunsets in Geneva
- 2 sunsets in Colombia
- :
- 2 sunsets in Cartagena
- 1 sunsets in Spain
- :
- 1 sunsets in Barcelona
- 3 sunsets in Greece
- :
- 2 sunsets in Rhodes
- 1 sunsets in Corfu
- 2 sunsets in Indonesia
- :
- 2 sunsets in Bali
- 2 sunsets in India
- :
- 2 sunsets in Goa
17 coffees personally tested
- 1 coffees in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 1 coffees in Abu Dhabi
- 1 coffees in Austria
- :
- 1 coffees in Vienna
- 2 coffees in Switzerland
- :
- 1 coffees in Zurich
- 1 coffees in Geneva
- 1 coffees in Cyprus
- :
- 1 coffees in Nicosia
- 1 coffees in United Kingdom
- :
- 1 coffees in London
- 2 coffees in Greece
- :
- 2 coffees in Athens
- 4 coffees in Italy
- :
- 4 coffees in Milan
- 2 coffees in Poland
- :
- 2 coffees in Warsaw
- 1 coffees in Slovakia
- :
- 1 coffees in Bratislava
- 1 coffees in Thailand
- :
- 1 coffees in Bangkok
- 1 coffees in Ukraine
- :
- 1 coffees in Kiev
Hiking areas
17 Hiking areas personally tested
- 17 Hiking areas in Poland
- :
- 17 Hiking areas in Warsaw
16 Monuments personally tested
- 16 Monuments in Poland
- :
- 16 Monuments in Warsaw
Rooftop pools
15 rooftop pools personally tested
- 3 rooftop pools in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 3 rooftop pools in Dubai
- 1 rooftop pools in Austria
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Vienna
- 1 rooftop pools in Switzerland
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Zurich
- 1 rooftop pools in Colombia
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Cartagena
- 2 rooftop pools in Germany
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Frankfurt
- 1 rooftop pools in Düsseldorf
- 2 rooftop pools in Greece
- :
- 2 rooftop pools in Athens
- 1 rooftop pools in Indonesia
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Bali
- 1 rooftop pools in India
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Goa
- 1 rooftop pools in Italy
- :
- 1 rooftop pools in Rome
- 2 rooftop pools in Thailand
- :
- 2 rooftop pools in Bangkok
14 sushis personally tested
- 2 sushis in United Arab Emirates
- :
- 1 sushis in Dubai
- 1 sushis in Abu Dhabi
- 1 sushis in Cyprus
- :
- 1 sushis in Nicosia
- 3 sushis in Germany
- :
- 3 sushis in Düsseldorf
- 1 sushis in France
- :
- 1 sushis in Boulogne-Billancourt
- 1 sushis in Poland
- :
- 1 sushis in Warsaw
- 6 sushis in Ukraine
- :
- 1 sushis in Odessa
- 5 sushis in Kiev
Art museums
12 Art museums personally tested
- 12 Art museums in Poland
- :
- 12 Art museums in Warsaw
Amusement centers
12 Amusement centers personally tested
- 12 Amusement centers in Poland
- :
- 12 Amusement centers in Warsaw
11 spas personally tested
- 1 spas in Armenia
- :
- 1 spas in Yerevan
- 1 spas in Switzerland
- :
- 1 spas in Geneva
- 2 spas in Colombia
- :
- 1 spas in Cartagena
- 1 spas in Bogota
- 1 spas in Germany
- :
- 1 spas in Heidelberg
- 4 spas in Poland
- :
- 1 spas in Wroclaw
- 3 spas in Warsaw
- 2 spas in Ukraine
- :
- 2 spas in Kiev
11 nature personally tested
- 2 nature in Aruba
- :
- 2 nature in Palm Beach
- 7 nature in Colombia
- :
- 1 nature in Cartagena
- 6 nature in Bogota
- 2 nature in Thailand
- :
- 2 nature in Bangkok
11 Chapels personally tested
- 11 Chapels in Poland
- :
- 11 Chapels in Warsaw
11 Brewerys personally tested
- 11 Brewerys in Poland
- :
- 11 Brewerys in Warsaw