8 Jarduera bikainak onena Tokiko Historia Museoak in Varsovian, Polonian

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 Jarduera bikainak - Zer egin  egiteko onena Tokiko Historia Museoak in Varsovian, Polonian ?

Museum of Warsaw

4.62/5 (2815 Votes)
Displays on the city's past from the 14th century to modern times, in 11 restored townhouses.

Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego

4.69/5 (33589 Votes)
Memorial & replica bomber in museum of exhibits detailing Poland's 1944 battle for independence.

Museum of the 10th Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel, branch of the Independence Museum

4.52/5 (1757 Votes)
Exhibitions related to the Polish independence movement in a mid-19th-century prison & courthouse.

Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi

4.45/5 (1255 Votes)
Photographs & everyday items reveal life in the city's Praga district from the 1500s to the present.

Monument Interpretation Center, branch of the Museum of Warsaw

4.41/5 (165 Votes)

Miniatures Park of the Masovian Voivodeship

4.06/5 (567 Votes)

Muzeum Fabryki Norblina

4.21/5 (28 Votes)

Miejsce Uświęcone Krwią Polaków
