3 Excellent activities best holidays in Yerevan, Armenia

  best holidays in Yerevan, Armenia : the map

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 Top destination - Why go there  for best holidays in Yerevan, Armenia ?

Yerevan, capital of Armenia

Armenia is a very interesting, beautiful, safe and friendly country. First historical christian state, situated in Caucasus, is has no access to any sea. Its nickname is Switzerland...

 Best hotels - Where to stay  for best holidays in Yerevan, Armenia ?

Aquatek Hotel

Aquatek hotel, situated in the outskirts of Yerevan, offers an indoor aquaparc, and is right next to an outdoor one. Rooms are spacious, aquaparc is not overcrowded even in peak period,...

Congress Hotel Yerevan

This nice hotel situated in center of Yerevan, at walkable distance from many points of interests, is a great place to relax. It features a Carribean Pool long enough for a good swim,...