best historical in Minsk, Belarus : the map
Top destination - Why go there for best historical in Minsk, Belarus ?
Minsk, capital of Belarus
Minsk is the capital of the Republic of Belarus, a less than 10 million people country in Eastern Europe. Often mixed up with Russia, it has its own culture and spirit. Considered as...
What to see for best historical in Minsk, Belarus ?
One day tour to visit 13th century Lida castle
Lida's 13th century castle is very well restored and preserved. Located about 160km from Minsk, or a 2h drive, it definitely worth a day tour : see the fortifications, sit on the...
Tanks day Minsk
Belarus being hosting the team behind World of Tanks video games, it's no surprise they contribute organizing a tank day ! Most likely in September. Situated in an open air military...